Friday, December 17, 2010

What's Your New Years Resolution?

Let Me first start this off with a great quote from Mr. Abraham Lincoln which he states, "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." See with the holidays coming up shortly so many people are getting ready to start their New Year's Resolution. Whether it be to lose weight, save money, workout, whatever the case may be. There are tons of people that are dying for a change both physically & financially. Which brings me to a word that I'm both proud of and grateful for and that word is Visalus & The Body By Vi Challenge. You out there maybe saying what's that Jeff? Well lets break that word Visalus down. "ViSalus" comes from the Latin "Vi," meaning Life, and "Salus," which means Health and Prosperity.

Many know of the great success I've had on the gridiron and the great teams I've led and just blessed to be apart of especially with the great men I've had the opportunity to work with during my career. I felt all that I've learned and accomplished throughout those years of being a captain on a conference champion team, being an all-state linebacker in high school, dealing with major injuries and coming back with full force, was preparing me for something what I like to call GREAT. Something that not only has had a positive impact on my family, my team, and myself but also YOU reading this. Seeing that you've taken the time out of your day to read my blog you get some goodies that I love to share. :-)

Lets say your somebody that is getting ready to get their New years Resolution under way and your a person who fits somewhere in these categories:
1. Lose Weight/ Get Fit
2. Win Prizes
3. Save Money
4. Get FREE Product
5. Sharing/Promoting
6. Make Money

Now if any of those are part of your New Year's Plan, I'm personally putting it in ink that my team and I are willing to help YOU succeed in any of those categories. I'll share something with you that I live by and took me a while to truly stand behind it and that is to do more for others than you do for yourself. When I know my team or I have personally impacted somebody's Life, Health, & Prosperity it absolutely makes my day! I'll leave you with one last question... Why not that person be you! :-)

To Your Success...
Jeff Edwards CEO/Co-Founder Of Team M.A.D.E.
"A Dream Without Action Is Simply A Nightmare"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Former Texas A&M Kingsville Football Captain Changing Lives

Click to see one of my videos in Hotlanta and why so many people having been joining the challenge are changing not only their lives but the lives of others as well!!!

To Your Success,
Jeff Edwards

Friday, December 3, 2010

Losing That "Belly Fat"

Just Finished My A.M. Run! I thought I'd share one of the articles I came across on ezine articles on HOW TO LOSE LOWER BELLY FAT! Hope it's useful for you and whatever goal your trying to attain!!

The A.M. empty stomach trick. One trick of the trade to really dial things in and burn off that last fat roll on the lower stomach is to start doing your exercising in the a.m., morning hours, and specifically, the first thing upon waking. Yes, thats correct, as soon as you wake up in the morning begin your exercise regimen. Before even having breakfast or eating anything, do a cardio routine. How to lose the fat on lower stomach? First thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, perform a 20-40 minute cardio workout, treadmill, bike, walking around the block, whatever. The theory here is that your body is primed into fat burning mode the first thing in the morning, having not consumed anything overnight, and not eating anything in the morning, whatever calories you burn from your cardio, they will be fat calories.

To Your Success,
Jeff Edwards

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jeff Edwards New 90 Day Challenge Starts 12-1-10

That's Right I've Begun My New 90 Day Challenge!!! Some Of My Goals Consist Of Dropping 20lbs, not eating after 8pm, and working out in the am. The Whole Team M.A.D.E. has also started there challenge and were all doing it together and your welcome to join us! My Current weight is 230lbs so I'll be looking to get down to 210lbs! For More Info On Our Key Tool That Were Using To Help Us Achieve A Better Life, Health, & Prosperity Visit The Website Below!!! Stay Tuned & Watch The Transformation Begin!!

Jeff Edwards

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Life After Football

Who better than the captain of a championship football team to tell you, "There is no I in team."

You share the agony of defeat and the overwhelming joy of victory with your team. But most important are the lessons you learn from your team.

Many people wouldn't generally associate football with the marketing industry. From experience, everything I've learned on the field I've used off the field, more so now that I've joined Visalus.

Being a team captain of the great Javelinas was an honor (and one of the best experiences of my life), but with the title came great responsibilities. As the leader, I had to motivate my team. As a team, they had to be receptive to the encouragement and work together to push through tough games and ultimately, to winning the championship title. It required a level of perseverance from everyone on the team to claim the victory; I could not succeed if my team did not succeed. It is with the same perseverance and determination that I approached joining Visalus.

One of the most important skills I learned in football is to set goals and work together as a team - it's about being a part of something bigger than yourself and bringing everyone together to accomplish such goals. As the saying goes, "If two or three agree on a common purpose, nothing is impossible." I've learned these key elements along the way from coaches, players, and other role models, that most athletes will agree all want you to grow as a person and a great leader.

With Visalus, I have a similar team as I did in football; great mentors and teammates. Our conversations aren't about running plays on the field; we talk about taking this opportunity with Visalus we've been given and spreading to others our willingness and desire to succeed, not individually, but as a team. (Remember, there is no I in Team.) I couldn't ask for a better group of people to surround myself with. My mentor, Jay Langford, told me that that the things I've learned from playing football and being a team player is worth a million dollars and I see it all paying off; never giving up and persevering through the hard times is something I'll always carry with me.

Visalus offers everyone, from football captains to the average Joe, an opportunity to, not only, have success, but to help others. I made a small investment in Visalus, expecting to make more money. I am taking a product that has proved to be beneficial in muscle building and weight loss, I am sharing an opportunity of health and wealth, and I am building lasting friendships and networks. Oh, and I am making more money.

Thanks & God Bless.

Jeff Edwards
Visalus Distributor

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jeff Edwards Football Championship Ring

Fall Down And Get Back Up!!

Let me first start off with a little quote from the great Confucius which he states, "Our greatest joy is not in never falling , but in rising every time we fall." Like i said in my last post it doesn't matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you get up. I'm going to share some of my past experience of this. Sophomore year in college it was the spring before my second season in football, I had a great freshman season came in and started as a true freshman. Even though I had been moved from linebacker to defensive end I just felt I was blessed to be playing as a true freshman let alone be starting! So its now spring and were currently in spring ball and mind you I attend the University Of Texas A&M Kingsville so if you know anything about South Texas it can get pretty hot down here! Spring ball consist of just doing your normal football routines to stay in shape and it give the coaches a chance to see where everybody is at before the upcoming season.

Football yet alone has been a major part of my life and has made me the man I am today. Most people think its just a big physical contact sport that everybody is out to hurt everyone. Which in some cases it may vary but what I've learned playing this great sport is working together as one and reaching out to our one common goal which is a championship. You grow up as a man along the side of other great man, I believe everyone can agree that working with a team on something is far greater than working by yourself on it. I guess that's why I always loved group assignments in my classes. Being a leader for our team was something I was very proud of and I knew I would have to take that extra step if i wanted to get us all going in that same direction. Still today I tell the guys the summer is key to success because the fall will ask what you did in the summer and that a very true statement!

Back to spring ball, we had been practicing all week long and our spring game was just around the corner. Little did I know what was going to happen to me that day and i remember it just like it was yesterday! So I'm at my end position and the ball has been snapped i work a move off of the tackle and i could see where the play was going. The quarterback handed the ball off to the receiver in motion which is a play referred to as the "jet sweep" mind you I'm already aware of what is taking place. So Ive kept my containment and make him cut back inside which he had no other option and when he cut I cut as well but when i planted to turn in the opposite direction my leg stayed in the ground and all I felt was POP! Man I went down so fast and was in much agony and pain, I believe some of my teammates really heard a grown man scream that day! I kind of felt like Boobie Miles in the movie Friday Night Lights, after they had helped me off the field one of the trainers had checked me out and honestly it felt alright but it was something about that pop that had me worried. So they checked it out and everything seemed to be fine which I was told it was just a sprain of some sort. They said I had plenty of time to recover seeing it was still spring ball and the season didn't begin until September. To make a long story short I came back that fall had a brace on my leg and played through the pain and agony. I mean my knee would pop on and on throughout the season and it wasn't until week 8 when they finally decided i should see a specialist and find out what was really wrong! Sure enough I had tore my acl, mcl, and any other cl you could think of, I'm not a doctor but I knew what I was told wasn't good!

So now I sit back and realize I just basically played a whole season with a torn up knee! Some people can sit there and blame the doctors or the trainers or even the coaches but being the person I am I know God works in mysterious ways and everything happens for a reason. I tend to stay positive in situations like these and keep my faith. Some people would've gave up and quit on themselves especially with a knee injury and most people know that's something serious especially trying to go back and play again. So I pretty much fell down real hard but if it wasn't for my PERSEVERANCE and Willingness to get back up I would've never saw what God had in store for me! So after all of that chaos I finished up my senior season a very humble and proud captain of my team, the emotional leader, made all-conference, had player of the week twice, and surround myself around a bunch of great guys that I'll forever consider my lifetime friends. Don't let me forget to mention that I wear a big fat conference championship ring that we won that same year! If i had a chance to do it all over again most certainly I would in a heart beat! Just in that fashion so when YOU or anybody else falls down ALWAYS get up because the light is just around the corner!....... Jeff Edwards

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Don't Ever Let Up!!

First blog and why not start off with the word PERSEVERANCE!!! Never give up on anything that you set out to do, it doesn't matter how many times you fall down what matters is how many times you get back up! I kind of see it like the Rocky movie he wasn't the biggest nor the strongest but it was his will to persevere that kept him going and finding his way to the top!